Poetry by Dr. Venetia Young

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Cedar Tree

In places my bark is thin
Branches broken
There are further storms ahead 
I wish the world knew what I still could offer
When people look so tired.
I wish the world knew my language.
How can I teach?
How can I reach out?
I can be a shape that is comfortable to sit beneath
And be present for those that come.


A Tree Bee

Sitting in the stillness of Longsleddale
Gazing at the hills, mesmerised.
A buzz knocks into me and flies on
It happens again.
Carefully I move out of the way
And watch the beeline I had invaded.
Forwards and backwards
She shows me her home in the rocks
She bears a magnificent cushion of gold on her back.

That night I had a vision.
She buzzes into the tent on the right
Then on the left
Then falls and clatters into the awning to rest.
Was she aware of my wave of distress? 
Was she telling me something?
Or simply keeping me company?

We look up to the stars,
Buzzing and alive in the milky way.
We see our place in the order of things
Small, purposeful, moving along our chosen paths.

For us a world of honey, nectar and the fruit of pollination,
Mine of ideas, hers of flowers.
A beeline of purpose not hurry
Creating beautiful hexagonal cells of company and containment.
Wax to light the way for others
And to keep furniture smooth.

A year on and the bee knocks at my window
How are you?
My beeline is becoming clearer and slower.
I deviate less from the path.
I love my stone beehive home.

I fly through my life noticing so much more.


Reflections from the bat cave

Upside down hearing
the world wheezing its blind way
to a new order.

Upside down, smelling
the breath of sweet air and the
buzz of more insects

Right way up tasting
a feast of bristling insects
hibernation done.

Upside down, disturbed
sleep,  sirens  wailing  keening
out there something’s wrong

Inside out we’re blamed
protein sputniks from the cave
taste destroyers, lung eaters

Upside down reflect
we all need order anew
the planet rebooted

Echo location 
restored and emotional 
collisions avoided. 

In China bats mean 
good fortune longevity 
and transformation